සියලු ප්රවර්ග

වාෂ්පීකරණ කන්ඩෙන්සර්

A cooling system consists of an evaporator condenser, which is one the most crucial components. It cools down hot air by converting refrigerant, a kind of special liquid into gas. This method reduces heat from air and chills the neighboring area. There are different types of evaporator condensers, with each one performing optimally in some cooling systems. Air-Cooled, Water-cooled and Remote Refrigeration Evaporator Condensers. By understanding the different types, you can better know how your cooling system works.

    How Evaporator Condensers Work in Refrigeration Systems

    If you do a better word workout, we can say evaporator condensers are working as an intermediate to take heat from your place or any other object like refrigerator condenser it is puffing out the air. To produce cool air, they use a refrigerant (the name for the special substance used in your A/C), which works like Freon, to soak up heat from warm air and chill it. During this process, the refrigerant shifts from being a liquid to a gas. In doing this change, it absorbs warm air from the oil which is warmed by its surrounding; Here is how it cools the air nearby. Once the refrigerant has absorbed sufficient heat, it will then go back into a liquid. This warmed up liquid() is used again in the cooling process. This process of transformation from liquid to gas and vice versa is what allows the evaporator condenser combination to provide such an efficient form of cooling.

    Why choose SJEA evaporator condenser?

    අදාළ නිෂ්පාදන කාණ්ඩ

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    තවත් පවතින නිෂ්පාදන සඳහා අපගේ උපදේශකයින් අමතන්න.

    දැන් උපුටා ගැනීමක් ඉල්ලන්න